The Beauty of Beeswax

It is my great pleasure to introduce a guest blogger for this post: my friend and fellow eco-enthusiast, Tenille.  Hi Everyone, I’m Tenille, It’s nice to be here with you ☺ A hearty thank you to Emma for hosting me today. Emma and I met through our mutual friends a few years back.  Thanks to…

Review: SoapNuts, Part 2

I once bought a magnet that said, ‘A mind is a terrible thing to waste on housework’. This pretty much summed up my lifelong feeling about cleaning; I’d rather be reading, or studying, or frankly doing anything other than housework. This is why I am surprised at how going plastic-free has made me get so excited about things that…

Review: SoapNuts, Part 1

The laundry is one of those areas where I’ve found it difficult to avoid plastic. Liquid washing detergent comes in plastic bottles, and most boxes of washing powder also have a plastic bag lining and a little plastic scoop inside, which is a shame as you can reuse the first one you buy. The other day…

Plastic Free July 2015

Welcome to Plastic Free July 2015! If you’re new here or haven’t heard of PFJ before, it’s a challenge to avoid all disposable plastic for the month of July. More details are available on the website including tips on how to reduce your plastic footprint. You can choose to participate in varying degrees: a good way to…

Plastic-Free July 2014: Reflection

This post is dreadfully overdue. It was always my intention to post a final tally and reflection about Plastic-Free July as soon as it finished, but the end of July coincided with the beginning of a new university semester and blog writing quickly gave way to essay writing. For this, I apologise. But on to the tally!…

Review: Lush T’eo Deodorant and Toothy Tabs

When we started Plastic-Free July this year, I didn’t expect to be surprised by much. We’d already stopped using things like plastic shopping bags and water bottles without any disruption to our lives whatsoever, so I really didn’t think there’d be that much else to change. But taking on a stricter challenge for a month…

The butcher, the baker

I generally do my grocery shopping after work at that great bastion of anonymity: the supermarket. These days, with the increasing number of self-serve checkouts, you can buy your week’s groceries without having to make eye contact with another human being – and most days after work that is exactly the amount of interaction I…

Pasta and Pitfalls

Some plastic-free bloggers describe their commitment to the challenge as being like a diet. I agree with that, except in my experience sometimes it’s more like having an allergy to a particular ingredient: you begin to realise how hidden and insidious that ingredient can be, and it requires a great deal of thought, caution, and communication with…

Review: SAVI Shampoo Bar

I’ve been searching for ages for a good, natural, plastic-free shampoo. When it comes to products that go on your body then down the drain, what’s inside the product is just as important as what’s on the outside. Your skin absorbs a huge amount of what you put on it (just think of how moisturiser…

Plastic-Free July 2014

I’ve been really excited about Plastic-Free July this year. Although my partner and I have been minimising plastic gradually over the past twelve months, this is our first official PFJ and there’s something fun about participating in an awareness challenge with the sense that other people all over the world are in it with you. We’ve…